Set Design
Scenographic work

A scenographic space to convey an atmosphere of makeshift: 'a comfortable dwelling in inefficiency' and as a result - in shambles. We created visual metaphors for disorganization in a bureaucratic workplace, and presented the actors with spatial settings that accentuated discomfort and absurdity.
This production by Ran Jiao was a cross-cast(ed) adaptation of The Memorandum by Czech playwright Vaclav Havel.
Havel wrote the play (1965) as an ironic satire that parodies bureaucracy and conformity in then-communist Czechoslovakia. In this production, Jiao reflected on the similarities between communist rule of the Soviet bloc and her personal experiences growing up in communist China.
Premiere: Studio Řetízek,DAMU, Prague. Duration: 60 min. Language: English.

We opted for a dull, monotonous and bleak color palette for the stage and costumes.
Symbolic red scarves and bandannas, for the actors and audience alike,
were used to create a sense of political positioning and obedience to the system.
The scenography aimed at creating an atmosphere of makeshift;
'a comfortable dwelling in inefficiency' and as a result -
in shambles. We made visual metaphors for disorganization
in a bureaucratic workplace, giving opportunities for
actors to accentuate discomfort and absurdity

Ran Jiao.
Scenography and costumes: Nitish Jain.
Dramaturgy: Veronika Martinkova, Ami Keita.
Light: Israel Lopez.
Cast: Rebeca Duarte, Mariana Varela,
Lise Grimelund-Kjelsen, Thibault Germain Seyt,
Kryštof Dvořáček, Victor Kuznik, Veronika Martinkova.
Pictures: Tian Yang.