Ticklish Fruits
An interactive, multi-media installation
At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry there is a large painting of a bowl of fruit. It is an ill-kept secret that if you tickle the pear on this painting, it giggles. What is magic without curiosity and imagination?
When we see ordinary plates in the kitchen we think of them as objects for food and for eating. We think of things that are present on the plate, not the things that are absent from the plate. We rarely think of plates as objects that can be magical or fun.
Combining technology, tactile objects, ceramics and infectious laughter, Ticklish Fruits is an interactive installation that invites spectators to participate with their senses of touch, hearing and sight; to find a moment of joy.
Commissioned by: Základní škola Brána jazyků,
Uhelny Trh, Prague 1.
Curator: Eva Wolfova
Currently installed at:
Středisko volného času Jednička
Supported by: Městská část Praha 1
Format: Audio-visual installation with touch-responsive sensors.
Materials: Ceramic, plyboards, speakers, sensors, tech equipment.
Measures: 3.5 m (l), 0.2 m (d) x 0.3 m (h)

“[Ticklish Fruits].. is surprising, cheerful and playful. With the help of artistic means and modern technology, the author sets up two-way (interactive) communication with the viewer and succeeds.”
Michaela Vencová ,
Head of the department of education, Prague 1

“I liked the idea of making a fruit that would laugh.”
Jakub Cuřín, age 10, school pupil.
“The laughter from this installation has scared me many times but it's a great idea.”
Tereza Plchová, age 11, school pupil.
“I was surprised that there are fruit cut-outs on the ceramic plates, and I think that this is so that we don't get hungry for fruit.”
Hana G., age 10, school pupil.

Conceptualized and designed by: Nitish Jain.
Technical Supervision: Dimitris Polyzos.
IoT engineer: Matyáš Himmer.
Sound engineer: Jakub Daš.
Ceramics supervised by and created at: Muddum Art Space, Prague.
Laser Cutting: Narran,Prague.
Installation executed by: Handyman Ben
Pictures by: Marija Mandic, Miljan Vuletic.
Special thanks to students of ZŠ Brána jazyků for contributing with their laughing voices.